Monday, December 9, 2013

What's worse?

     When it comes to personality disorders, none would be necessarily a walk in the park to have haunting you the majority of your life. Some though are considerable worse than others. If you had to choose, what do you think would be the absolute worst to have? I personally would say antisocial personality disorder.
     Antisocial Personality Disorder, formerly known at sociopaths, are sort of like a devil in disguise. These people are seemingly perfect to your face, but underneath it all, they are the people with zero conscience. They may act like a friend, a best friend, a confidant, but it is all a lie for them. These people don't learn after doing bad things. Their goal is to go against society by breaking laws, lying, and cheating through life. There is no real treatment that works for these people. The only thing that seems to maybe help is life. The older you get, the less inclined these people are to do these things... maybe growing a small conscience after all those years.
     If I were going to have a personality disorder, I would not want it to be that one. I just can't even fathom not having a conscience. I mean, these people are the ones that would be serial killers. They genuinely do not care about anything. I can't think of anything worse than that.

Sunday, December 8, 2013

School Uniforms

Hot Topic:
School Uniforms: Yes or No?

        A very controversial topic involving students is whether or not school uniforms should be mandatory or whether a normal to strict dress code would suffice. The opinions vary, and as of now mainly private schools have dress codes where as most public school do not. There are pros and cons to the uniform, which will be discussed.
           One argument against school uniforms would be the creativity and self-expression that kids and teenagers like to express and show through clothes, make-up, shoes, etc. would be taken away. Self-expression is a key and vital part of growing up and finding yourself, and it'd be a lot harder if that was taken away.
        Pros of having a school uniform would be taking away differences between students and unifying everyone. A major issue in schools today is the way some students get bullied or outcast for being different, not having the right clothes, or enough money. Taking that away would make all the students equal in at least one way, regarding what they wear.
           There will always be a question of whether or not to have uniforms, I think. It's really just a personal choice. I personally just believe that it would be beneficial to the students overall. Structure is always a good thing, and taking away a major part of the reason kids get picked on is a major reason uniforms are a "yes" for me.